In Jamaica Queens, The P.S. 050 Talfourd Lawn Elementary School voting polls opened their doors for Midterm Elections at 6 a.m. to welcome eager voters ready to cast their ballot. The lines weren’t as long as they had been for the Presidential election, but nonetheless, people were showing up.
This election campaign has been an intense one with many people in New York State wondering if a red wave would swell over the state.
Many people have taken to social media to speak about the importance of voting especially in smaller towns as they tend to hold the spot for being key roles in these elections.
“It’s so important to cast your ballot, especially in these smaller elections that mean just as much as the primaries,” said substitute school teacher Cassidy Alves, as she cast her ballot after coming home from work.
The majority of the people leaving the polling station have the same general message – it’s important to go vote.
In line, voters who came in groups were chatting about the nominees and discussing policies that would sway them in certain ways. A mother and son who went to vote discussed the rumored red wave hitting New York.
Alexandra Diaz, a stay- at- home mother, took her son with her to vote. because,
“I was watching the news and it seems to be a close race this time, I’m not used to that because I lived here for so much time,” Diaz said, as she was shocked at the urgency for these midterm elections.
Her son agreed with her that he had heard from classmates and on social media that there was a threat to the democratic hold on New York State. However, it’s become common for small towns to go Red, while big cities remain Blue.
The atmosphere was at a low rumble as people continued to file in and out of the cubicles, quickly dispensing their ballot and continuing on with their day. The poll workers were attentive to those checking in and even those who are casting their votes for the first time.
Andrew Gresh, a Jamaica resident, said he was glad with the turnout, as someone who has come to vote every time since he turned 18.
“I’m glad that more people showed up this time around, usually not many people get involved but I think they feel the importance this time,” Gresh said.