Marine Park Begins Forest Restoration Project

Start of Salt Marsh Nature Trail at Marine Park. Photo Credit: Megan Modeste


Marine Park is going through many construction changes at the moment but November 1st marked the beginning of its nature and forest restoration project. This restoration will be located specifically along Gerritsen Creek which borders the Salt Marsh hiking trail. Restoration will also happen in the park’s greenery along the hiking trail with the main goal of making the ecosystem better for the species that live there.

Gerritsen Creek’s water flow comes from Jamaica Bay twice a day and according to the website of NYC Parks and Recreation, “this results in high and low water levels” frequently changing along the park’s shorelines.

Natural Area Restoration site in progress Photo Credit: Megan Modeste

At the moment, water levels are low along the shore and have caused wetlands to dry up. During this restoration, Parks will be cleaning the dry land to help make the habitats around Gerritsen Creek more healthy for organisms living near or in the water. According to the agency, Marine park is home to over “325 species of birds, 50 species of butterflies, and 100 species of finfish.” Animals like myrtle warblers, grasshopper sparrows, cotton-tailed rabbits, horseshoe crabs, mute swans, Canada geese, and ruddy ducks are some of the wildlife that either seasonally visit Marine Park or call Marine Park home. This restoration is designed to help make the land more suitable for these species who live or visit there, bringing better air quality, water quality, tree health, and increase the habitats and population of the species around.

This project began in January 2021 but was delayed because of COVID-19. The forest restoration project completed the design in October 2021 and the procurement stage in June 2023. The project is now entering the construction stage as of November 2023. According to the New York City Comptroller, this project has a budget of $1,198,000 dollars and $21,048, or 2%, of this has been spent already. They are still in the early stages of starting the restoration in Marine Park, which has 530 acres of forest land to restore.

The end date for this project is unsure as the NYC parks says it may be finished by November 2026 the City Controller states the completion date as January 25, 2027.  Park ranger Jermaine Scotten said “ the trail will stay open during the restoration but site areas will be blocked off ” when work is taking place. The park rangers have put up signs near areas where restoration is currently in process to let visitors know what is going on.