To commemorate Women’s History Month, HelloTittie collaborated with Lips Cafe’s Art and Dine series to showcase a surreal exhibition of the female body in the aesthetic of watercolors and acrylics on March 10. The cafe is located in East Flatbush, Brooklyn aka “Little Caribbean.”
The theme for the exhibition was apparent, highlighting up-and-coming female artists at the event for Women’s History Month, sanctioned by HelloTittie art curator Dana Prosper.
Guests seemed excited for this event, especially for highlighting and giving the spotlight to up and coming women identifying artists being put at the forefront.
“Seeing women in modern art is such a beauty to see… women have been the muses for some many great male artists, now women’s art can serve as their own voice to the art world,” said Derek Montgomery, an event attendee.
Many say the art world has traditionally been a “boy’s club.” Even though there has been progress in the world of modern art, there are still hurdles for female creators.
This sentiment of the art world being seen as exclusionary was even echoed by the artist herself, Rosa Guadalupe, at the exhibition.
“Women representation is crucial because we have been part of the scene for many years and we don’t get recognition, it’s very much a “boys club,” said artist Rosa Guadalupe.
The theme of female artists being recognized was also professed by the art curator for HellotTittie, Dana Prosper. Prosper said one of her biggest achievements was when a celebrity bought some of her artwork.
“I always wanted to do a show with all women because back in 2016, 2017, I didn’t see a lot compared to now where there are a lot of women art curators that are emerging and emerging visual artists, said Prosper. “At our second annual Creative Chicks event that we did, Whoopi Goldberg came and she purchased 6 pieces of artwork.”
There was this underlying glimmer of hope at the exhibition which was the future being bright for female up-and-coming artists exposure in modern art that both Prosper and acknowledged.
“I want to take it up a notch where featuring visual artists in a gallery setting now or cafe’s restaurants, possibly gyms, hotels,” said Prosper. “Feedback from people, they love the artwork. The artists themselves, getting more exposure, other women curators are now reaching out to those artists.”
Guadalupe also describes her fellow patrons at another art gallery she visited in New York. She said she was in awe of the female artists’ work and company.
“Just yesterday I went to another women’s show as well and it was just wonderful to see,” said Guadalupe. “A whole bunch of different artists there that I’ve never even met, it was really nice to be able to hold space for the women.”