NEW YORK, N.Y. – Democratic Representative Adriano Espaillat delivered his annual State of the District Address last night, February 3rd, 2022, via a virtual Facebook Livestream.
“Our district has faced great challenges but we are resilient and we continue to move forward, and I can tell you today that district 13 is strong,” said Espaillat., who represents Washington Heights, Harlem, East Harlem and the West Bronx.
At the virtual event, Rep. Espaillat highlighted his legislative accomplishments and presented an overview of his legislative priorities in 2022 for the district.
During the 117th Congress, Rep. Espaillat worked to pass funding for infrastructure projects, stimulus checks for many of his constituents, unemployment assistance, relief to keep small businesses afloat, and funding to help schools reopen safely.
“Expanding the child tax credit was most critical,” said Espaillat. “We delivered 77,000 payments to families across the district, totaling more than $31.4 million and reaching over 123,000 quantified children and keeping families in their home safe.”
Among his legislative priorities, Rep. Espaillat has further included combating climate and environmental injustice, improving foreign affairs, immigration reform, transportation and infrastructure, voting rights and criminal justice, access to affordable housing, and education and childcare.
“During the first session of the 117th congress, I introduced or co-sponsored a total of 531 pieces of legislation,” said Espaillat. “I led 32 of those bills in the house, reintroducing 20 of them and introducing 12 new pieces of legislations.”
Rep. Espaillat has also introduced many resolutions including resolution 28, which addressed the unlawful insurrection on the US capital on January 6th of last year as well as HR 585, the fight against black slavery in the America’s resolution, which recognizes the week of December 26, 2021, as the week of the quincenntanial fight against black slavery in the America’s.
House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, also made special appearances, praising Rep. Espaillat for his dedication to the 13th district
“The people of New York’s 13th district are fortunate to have a devoted champion in Congressman Espaillat,” said Pelosi. “Since day one he has been a valued leader on behalf working families and now on the Powerful Appropriations committee.”
Rep. Espaillat is the first Dominican American to serve in the U.S House of Representatives and the first formerly undocumented immigrant to ever serve in Congress.
Rep. Espaillat is an advocate of a fair living wage, immediate and effective investments in affordable housing, meaningful criminal justice reform, infrastructure improvements, expanded youth programs, and better educational opportunities.
“2021 was an unprecedented year, but we are New Yorkers and we are resilient,” said Espaillat as he signed off from the livestream.” “I am truly grateful for your support and remain committed to delivering on the promises that I made to help our community build back from the pandemic.”